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1. event服装

这应该是定制的艺人大部分演出服都是定制的 很难买到现在上海北京这些一线城市有很多专门定制衣服的店 如果经济许可的话 可以自己去定制不过我看了那件衣服 并不是很好看啊 还没有事业版图上那件红黑格子好看 日常穿衣服 后面四个大大的长袖善舞 有点怪怪的 在舞台上不觉得 舞台下就有点夸张了

2. even服装是哪的

The tartan kilt has long been the most recognisable cultural tradition of the Highland Scots. It has now become the standard dress for all "Highlanders", has its origin in an older garment called the belted plaid. The Gaelic word for tartan is breacan, meaning partially colored or speckled, and every tartan today features a multicolored arrangement of stripes and checks. These patterns are used to identify the clan, family, or regiment with which the wearer is associated.Kilts have become normal wear for formal occasions, for example being hired for weddings in much the same way as top hat and tails are in England or tuxedos in America, and the kilt is being worn by anyone regardless of nationality or descent. Although a white tie style exists, the more common style of formal Highland regalia is seen in Black tie.Kilts have increasingly become more common around the world for casual wear. It's not uncommon at all to see kilts making an appearance at Irish pubs, and it is becoming somewhat less rare to see them in the workplace. Casual use of the kilt can be dressed down with black boots, white socks rolled down to the top of the boot, perhaps with a black tee shirt. Or it can be a little more dressed up with woolen kilt hose, a button up shirt, sweater, and perhaps even a sport jacket. The small ornamental Sgian Dubh dagger may be omitted.The modern tailored kilt is box-pleated or knife-pleated, with the pleats sewn in and the lower edges reaching not lower than the centre of the knee-cap. Nowadays a lighter weight of cloth tends to be used. The kilt is traditionally for men only, although in the modern era, women have also taken up the kilt as well as dresses patterned after kilts, and women pipers frequently wear kilts. Kilten skirts for girls are also worn.As with any other form of dress, the kilt is subject to the vagaries of fashion. Since the 1980s, kilts have appeared in such materials as leather, denim, polyviscose, and acrylic. Solid colors have also been used in place of tartan, as well as camoflage patterns. While these garments may be disliked by traditionalists, they provide evidence that the kilt still has a place in the modern fashion world and continues to evolve. (Saffron coloured kilts favoured by many Irishmen are solid colour and traditional.)Kilts have also made an appearance in Wales and Cornwall for special occasions. In these two Celtic regions the kilt is closely linked to the Celtic revival movements of the 19th and 20th century. The English county of Northumberland also possesses a tartan, and some Northumbrians, most notably Northumbrian pipers, wear kilts.——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————The naked truth about what Scotsmen wear under their kilts has been revealed -- absolutely nothing.Braving the chilly Scottish weather, seven out of 10 men follow tradition and go naked beneath the country''s national dress, according to a survey.Highland tradition dictates men should wear nothing beneath their pleated skirts, in accordance with the punning saying: "Nothing is worn beneath the kilt -- it''s all in perfect working order."For those not brave enough to "go commando", the survey found boxer shorts with a tartan design were the second most popular choice.Scotsmen have worn kilts for hundreds of years, shrugging off jibes from south of the border.Kilt makers have moved with the times, recently unveiling a design with a pocket for a mobile phone.

3. event装备


1. 准备捕捉设备:需要制作捕捉陷阱(Large Bear Trap)、强力投石索(Catapult Turret)或者捕捉电网(Electronet)等道具。

2. 找到泰克霸王龙:泰克霸王龙通常生活在顶部或山地的峡谷。找到一个目标后,尽可能与其保持距离,避免被其发现。

3. 诱捕泰克霸王龙:利用捕捉设备将泰克霸王龙定位并诱捕。对于较弱的泰克霸王龙可以使用捕捉陷阱,对于较强的泰克霸王龙则需要采用强力武器或捕捉电网进行捕捉。

4. 养活泰克霸王龙:捕捉成功后,需要对泰克霸王龙进行喂食,通常喜欢食用生肉或熟肉。同时需要注意保持足够的距离,以免被其攻击。

5. 驯服泰克霸王龙:在泰克霸王龙吃足够的肉类后,将会有一定的几率进入驯服状态,此时可以用进化计时器(Evolution Event)加速驯服。


4. evening服装

一、礼服1.formal dress礼服2.tailcoat,morning coat大礼服3.evening dress夜礼服4.nightshirt男式晚礼服5.full dress uniform礼服制服二、风衣斗篷1.overcoat男式大衣2.coat女大衣3.fur coat皮大衣4.three-quarter coat中长大衣5.dust coat风衣6.mantle,cloak斗篷三、夹克皮衣1.sheepskin jacket羊皮夹克2.pelisse皮上衣3.jacket短外衣夹克四、睡衣1.housecoat,dressing2.gown晨衣(美作:duster)3.bathrobe浴衣4.nightgown,nightdress女睡衣5.pyjamas睡衣裤(美作:pajamas)五、衬衫1.shirt衬衫2.blouse紧身女衫3.T-shirt短袖圆领衫,体恤衫4.vest汗衫(美作:undershirt)5.polo shirt球衣6.sweater运动衫7.twinset两件套,运动衫裤

5. advent服装


1. December - 12月份的月份名称,可以将其分解为“Dec”和“ember”,“Dec”表示“十二”,“ember”表示“月”,因此“December”表示“十二月”。

2. Christmas - 12月份最重要的节日之一,可以将其分解为“Christ”和“mas”,“Christ”表示“基督”,“mas”表示“节日”,因此“Christmas”表示“基督节”。

3. Hanukkah - 犹太教的节日,可以将其记忆为“Hanukkah starts with an H, just like Hebrew”.

4. Winter Solstice - 冬至,可以将其记忆为“Winter Solstice is the shortest day, but the longest night”.

5. New Year's Eve - 新年前夕,可以将其记忆为“New Year's Eve is the last day of the year, when people celebrate the coming of the new year”.

6. Advent - 基督教的节日,可以将其记忆为“Advent is the period of four Sundays and weeks before Christmas”.

7. Snowflake - 雪花,可以将其记忆为“Every snowflake is unique, just like a fingerprint”.

8. Reindeer - 驯鹿,可以将其记忆为“Reindeer are Santa Claus' helpers on Christmas Eve”.

9. Mistletoe - 槲寄生,可以将其记忆为“People kiss under the mistletoe during the Christmas season”.

10. Eggnog - 蛋酒,可以将其记忆为“Eggnog is a popular holiday drink made with eggs, milk, and spices”.

6. venture服装




7. evenriver 服装

歌名应是《Lost Rivers (迷河)》 - Martin Steiner


Lost rivers never running to the sea


Their bang to drive in their 70


Last streams never tell you that marry you

燃尽最后一丝激情 我永远不会向你求婚

Now I'll forget the silence is all you feel

现在 我会忘记你感受到的沉寂

Even though it's a big noise about you dear

尽管对你来说是很大的噪音 亲爱的

You never heard when you really deserve it

你从未听过甜言蜜语 当你值得全心全意的爱

Keep down and set you already know

那就放松心情 保持平静 你已经知道

The reason


Run by you long long time ago

很久以前 我们就擦肩而过

So you turn around and third core keep on and on

所以 你转过身 让这份情谊一直延续下去

And I ain't much to do here


Cause it already gone


And if someone says it's all out there

如果有人说 我们已经竭尽全力

Just waiting to be realized


You just shut the door and walk into the night

你只是紧闭心扉 走进茫茫黑夜

You just shut the door and walk into the night

你只是紧闭心扉 走进茫茫黑夜

You know it's just a scratch boy who shall you

你知道 这只是小小的伤痕 男孩 你会变成怎样的人

The truth can be both


Your TV praze to make you hiddles


Those you don't believe


Your green hards to tell you


She's never been and love


The girl's telling confidence


And the country house high above


He says the truth set deep in your silence

他说 真理在你的沉默中深深扎根

And the long lost forgotten you


You find piece and mines


I'll tell you ago


Don't tell me it's hard

不要告诉我 一切都艰难无比

I've already know


You maybe right


It's only in it for the Monday


But it ain't that walk we roll in fool


So let's go for a drink

所以 让我们放肆畅饮

And forget about it all


And maybe you will find some friends else


And maybe you will find some friends else


Lost rivers never running to the sea


Their bang to drive in the in here


Last streams never tell you that marry you

燃尽最后一丝激情 我永远不会向你求婚

Now I'll forget the silence is all you feel

现在 我会忘记你感受到的沉寂

Even though it's a big noise about you dear

尽管对你来说是很大的噪音 亲爱的

You never heard when you really deserve it

你从未听过甜言蜜语 当你值得全心全意的爱

8. even衣服


This dress isn 't big enough for her .这件衣服对她来说不够大。

You even dress like him and talk like him .你甚至连穿着、讲话都像他。

And a new dress costs over four hundred frances .而一件新礼服价值要超过400法郎。

To prolong the flight some have turned to fancy dress .为了延长飞行的时间有人会去找寻奇特的服装。

She was in a bright yellow dress .她穿着一件明亮的黄色连衣裙。

9. event面料衣服

狼爪texapore面料是一种德国品牌Jack Wolfskin特有的功能性面料,广泛应用于户外服装、鞋子和背包等产品上。该面料具有多项优异的性能:

1. 防水:采用PU涂层和特殊防水处理工艺,使面料具有出色的防雨和防湿性能。

2. 透气:采用微孔技术,使空气和水蒸汽可以自由通过面料进行交换,保持身体干燥舒适。

3. 耐磨:采用高密度纤维材料,使面料具有较好的耐磨性能,延长产品寿命。

4. 抗风:面料采用防风设计,有效抵挡风沙和寒冷天气对身体的影响。


10. evenodd服装

关于这个问题,mbusinit指令是一个Modbus RTU主机初始化指令,用于配置Modbus RTU主机的串口通信参数和地址。具体使用方法如下:

1. 在命令行中输入mbusinit指令,然后按回车键。

2. 输入串口号(COM1, COM2, COM3等)和波特率(9600, 19200, 38400等)。

3. 输入Modbus地址(1-247)。

4. 输入数据位数、停止位数和校验方式(None, Even, Odd)。

5. 确认输入的参数是否正确,然后按Y键确认,或按N键取消并重新输入。

6. 如果输入的参数正确,mbusinit指令会将配置信息写入Modbus RTU主机的EEPROM中,并自动重启设备。

注意:在使用mbusinit指令之前,需要先确认Modbus RTU主机是否支持该指令,否则可能会引起设备故障。


