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1. 关于整容手术的英语四级作文



Plastic Surgery

For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes t owrite a short essay entitle My View on Plastic Surgery. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese.

1 越来越多的人接受整容手术

2 我的看法及理由

3 结论



My View on Plastic Surgery

In recent years, more and more people, especially some young girls choose to take plastic surgeries. Some people argue that this kind of surgery can improve one's appearance, thus secure a good job. Others hold a different opinion, they consider plastic surgery as a waste of money. Personally, I agree with the latter.

Firstly, beauty is only skin-deep, as the saying goes, virtue is more important than appearance. Plastic surgery cannot improve one's character. Who do you think is more popular, an ordinary girl with charming personality, or a beautiful girl with arrogant manner? Secondly, success relies on one's abilities but not appearance. Some people, especially young girls dream to find a good job after taking plastic surgery. For example, it takes one at least 30,000 Yuan to have double eyelid. Fourthly, people have to bear the risks of an unsuccessful surgery which will be a lifelong pain.

All in all, it is not advisable for people to take plastic surgeries. We can get what we want by improving our inner qualities, such as our personality and ability, and there is no need to endure the pains and economic loss of a plastic surgery.

Beauty is only skin-deep, as the saying goes


bear the risks 承担风险

competent and well-trained people 有真才实学的人

arrogant 傲慢的,自大的

must 作名词使用

e.g.His new novel is a must for all lovers of crime fiction

2. 有关整容手术的英语作文

1.Breast surgery 乳房整形美容:

-Breast augmentation 隆胸

-Breast lifts 乳房上提

-Breast reduction 下垂矫正,缩乳,巨乳矫正

2.Eyelid surgery眼部整形:

-Eye bag removal 去眼袋

-Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) 眼部整形

-Eyelid 开双眼皮


-Facelifts (rhytidectomy) 拉皮手术

-Midface lifts 前额,颜面

-Facial implants and reshaping 颧骨整形手术,面颊填充

-Forehead lifts 前额拉皮,上提


-Body contouring 松弛皮肤拉紧

5.Abdomen reshaping腹部吸脂术:

- Tummy tuck, mini tuck 迷你吸脂

6.Nose surgery (rhinoplasty)隆鼻

7.Cosmetic Gynecology女性会阴部整形

8.General reconstructive surgery重建整形:

- Breast reconstruction surgery 乳房重建

- Cleft lip and palate surgery 兔唇裂颚

- Scar revision 疤痕修复

- Burns 烧伤疤痕整形

3. 对于整容手术的英语作文


4. 关于整容的英语四级文章


5. 整容手术大学英语作文

Experts estimate that 30 percent people who make cosmetic in seoul are chinese. with the development of technology the risks and costs of cosmetic surgery can be minimized. but should we have cosmetic surgery? it is a controversial topic.

  Some people agree that due to the advantages of cosmetic surgery. there are two main points to explain the advantages. first cosmetic surgery is a mean of gaining confidence and self-esteem. we have to admit that good-looking people are more popular than people who don’t look good. “a thing of beauty is a joy forever” said endymion. second beautiful appearance can improve one’s chance in the job market and later help one’s career.

 Other people think it’s unnecessary to have cosmetic surgery. first as everyone will become old outer beauty is temporary. what we should do is to improve our inner beauty. second companies will not have a person with a beautiful appearance but no brain.

  In my opinion the meaning of life lies in knowledge and perfection of character instead of seeking temporary outer beauty. but cosmetic surgery is a person choice having nothing to do with others.


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