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1. 关于时尚的英文

fashion 英[ˈfæʃn] 美[ˈfæʃən] n. 时尚,时装; 时装领域,时尚界; 方式,方法; vt. 制作,塑造; 使适应; [例句]There are 20 full-colour pages of fashion for men 书中有20张有关男性时尚的彩色插页。

[其他] 第三人称单数:fashions 复数:fashions 现在分词:fashioning过去式:fashioned 过去分词:fashioned model 英[ˈmɒdl] 美[ˈmɑ:dl] n. 模型; 模式; 模特儿; 典型; vt. 做模特儿; vt. 模仿; 制作模型,塑造; 将…做成模型; [例句]I made a model out of paper and glue. 我用纸和胶水制作了一个模型。[其他] 第三人称单数:models 复数:models 现在分词:modelling过去式:modelled 过去分词:modelled

2. 关于时尚的英文短句子

I was the one who changed, it wasn't fashion. I was the one who was in fashion.

这是英文原句 是不是觉得中文翻译的更有味道 哈~

3. 关于时尚的英文演讲


Fashion,is known as a fad,trend of The Times.

For now,a lot of people think,a suit of non-mainstream is dressed up,a picture of a cold look,to walk in the horoscope,mouth often hung some network buzzwords,that is the fashion.I can't go,because it can be regarded as the fashion,but the most superficial fashion.Dress up fashion,not just the appearance,but also a connotation.If you want to know the real fashion,looking to the society,in the world.

4. 关于时尚的英文对话





5. 关于时尚的英文文章

What is fashionFor centuries individuals or societies have used clothes and other body adornment as a form of nonverbal communication to indicate occupation, rank, gender, sexual availability, locality, class, wealth and group affiliation. Fashion is a form of free speech. It not only embraces clothing, but also accessories, jewellery, hairstyles, beauty and body art. What we wear and how and when we wear it, provides others with a shorthand to subtly read the surface of a social situation.

6. 关于时尚的英文PPT

英语课件幻灯片可以讲讲中国传统的东西,比如京剧、黄梅戏,你去过的地方;也可以讲讲你感兴趣的电影或书。和欧美有关的东西,可以讲讲美国的商业大片制作模式,讲讲德国的复兴,讲讲法国的high fashion,讲讲现在正在进行的世界杯。希望帮到你。

7. 关于时尚的英文单词

FASHION不是牌子,只是一个英文单词。Fashion 是 时尚,流行的意思,现在网络解释中表示时装。





8. 关于时尚的英文句子

Hip-hop, cowboy wind, and the wind wind wind, occupation, fur, all-match, hippie, ladies fashion, Korean, Japanese, what is it Fashion is the urban special logo, is a city in the vast city of special psychological needs.


毛呢大衣搭配什么裤子好看 毛呢大衣怎么穿出女

