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1. 时尚服装的英文句子

  英文名称:jones new york   所属公司:美国纽约时尚巨头Jones集团   所属行业:女装   定 位:中高档   Jones New York是美国纽约时尚巨头Jones集团的核心女装品牌,与Nine West属姐妹系列,定位中高档,其优雅的设计,经典的风格,以及融入纽约现代都市睿智张扬的新时代淑女元素,深得美国中高白领女性的欢迎。

2. 关于服装的经典英文句子

As we all know, when we go out, we must wear something. And there are many clothes, such as: Jeans, dress, plants and so on, if you wear some beautiful clothes, you friends will think you are very pretty, but if you wear some ugly clothes, you friends will think you don't wear beautiful, you think I was very ugly and you don't like go shopping with me. So remember, the clothes is more important when you meet your friends. A beautiful clothes make us fell happy, but an ugly clothes will make us fell unhappy.

3. 时尚服装的英文句子简短

Fashion Style,翻译过来就是时尚风格,并不代表任何一个品牌。通常都是一些小厂家生产,没有品牌的服装,通常会挂上通用的Fashion Style吊牌。一般自行制作、生产的服装饰品,常常共用的吊牌就是fashion style,

4. 形容服装时尚个性句子英文

The spring festival is coming . My parents buy me some new clothes . Let me show them to you . They are a T-shirt , a jacket , a pair of jeans and a pair of trainers .

  The T-shirt and the jeans are made of cotton . I think it is very comfortable to wear cotton clothes . The trainers are made of leather . The colour of the the T-shirt is white because I like this colour and this colour makes the T-shirt look clean . The jacket is blue and white . It's a little long and big . It looks smart . My jeans aren't tight . They are very comfortable to wear . The trainers are blue and white . They match my jacket very much .

  I love my new clothes . How do you like them ?

  My New Clothes二

  When the festival comes, I always get some gifts from my parents, sometimes I get toys, sometimes I get snacks. But I like the new clothes best, last week, my mother bought me a piece of news dress, I like it so much. My friends say that my new dress is so beautiful, I am so happy, I love my mom.

5. 关于服装设计的英文句子


down,英 [da妌],美 [da妌] ,常见的用法是做副词,介词,动词或形容词,表示往下,向下等释义,但在服装里,是用作名词,意为(鸟的)绒羽,绒毛,软毛。


通常羽绒服的英文表达就是 down coat,down jacket,down filled garment等。

例句:It was very cold outside, so she went out in a thick down jacket. 外面非常冷,所以她穿了一件厚厚的羽绒服出去了。



1、C:Cotton 棉,纤维供纺织及絮衣被用。用棉制作的各种棉型织物就是指以棉纱或棉与棉型化纤混纺纱线织成的织品。

2、W:Wool 羊毛,羊毛主要由蛋白质组成。人类利用羊毛可追溯到新石器时代,由中亚向地中海和世界其他地区传播,遂成为亚欧的主要纺织原料。

3、M:Mohair 马海毛,马海毛(英语Mohair;土耳其语:MUKHYAR),指安哥拉山羊身上的被毛,又称安哥拉山羊毛。得名于土耳其语,意为“最好的毛”。弹性好,耐压,有特殊光泽。

4、RH:Rabbit hair 兔毛,家兔毛和野兔毛的统称。 纺织用兔毛产自安哥拉兔和家兔,其中以安哥拉兔毛的质量为最好,很柔软。

5、AL:Alpaca 羊驼毛,羊驼毛(alpaca),又名阿尔帕卡.属于骆驼毛纤维。它比马海毛更细,更柔软,其色泽为白色、棕色、淡黄褐色或黑色,起强力和保暖性均远高于羊毛。

6、S:Silk 真丝,真丝一般指蚕丝,包括桑蚕丝、柞蚕丝、蓖麻蚕丝、木薯蚕丝等。真丝被称为“纤维皇后”,以其独特的魅力受到古往今来的人的青睐。真丝属于蛋白质纤维,丝素中含有18种对人体有益的氨基酸。

7、T:Polyester 涤纶,涤纶面料是日常生活中用的非常多的一种化纤服装面料。其最大的优点是抗皱性和保形性很好。

8、WS:Cashmere 羊绒,羊绒(Cashmere)是生长在山羊外表皮层,掩在山羊粗毛根部的一层薄薄的细绒,入冬寒冷时长出,抵御风寒,开春转暖后脱落,自然适应气候,属于稀有的特种动物纤维。

9、N:Nylon 锦纶(尼龙),翻译名称耐纶、尼龙,学名为polyamide fibre聚酰氨纤维,是中国所产聚酰胺类纤维的统称。

10、A:Acrylic 腈纶,聚丙烯腈或丙烯腈含量大于85%(质量百分比)的丙烯腈共聚物制成的合成纤维。

11、L :是linen的缩写,代表的是亚麻,亚麻布是经亚麻捻成线织成的,表面不像化纤和棉布那样平滑,具有生动的凹凸纹理,同时除合成纤维外,亚麻布是纺织品中最结实的一种。

6. 时尚服装的英文句子有哪些

这是时尚休闲的意思。   休闲装,俗称便装。它是人们在无拘无束、自由自在的休闲生活中穿着的服装,将简洁自然的风貌展示在人前。休闲服装一般可以分为:前卫休闲、运动休闲、浪漫休闲、古典休闲、民俗休闲和乡村休闲等。休闲,英文为“Casual”,此词在时装上覆盖的范围很广,日常穿着的便装、运动装、家居装,或把正装稍作改进的“休闲风格的时装”。总之,凡有别于严谨、庄重服装的,都可称为休闲装。

7. 关于时尚英文句子

Many people are not fashion, that is because they didn't understand the meaning of fashion. I think fashion is not very special but common. A week ago, my mom and I went shopping. On the way there I saw a woman, who was wearing an old coat and dirty pants. She was helping an old man to cross the street and help the old man to take food. Her clothes were not fashion, but her heart is very beautiful. I think fashion heart appear in every corner of the world.

8. 关于时尚服装的英文短句



