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1. 丰田的广告歌


You're insecure

Don't know what for

You're turning heads

When you walk through the do-o-or

Don't need make up

To cover up

Being the way that you are is en-o-ough

Everyone else in the room can see it

Everyone else but you

Baby you light up my world like nobody else

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

But the you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell

You don't know oh oh

You don't know you're beautiful

If only you saw what I can see

You'll understand why I want you so let's believe.

Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe

You don't know oh oh

You don't know you're beautiful

Oh oh oh

That's what makes you beautiful

So c-come on

You got it wrong

To prove I'm right I put it in a so-o-ong

I don't know why

You're being shy

And turn away when I look into your ey-e-es

Everyone else in the room can see it

Everyone else but you

Baby you light up my world like nobody else

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell

You don't know oh oh

You don't know you're beautiful

If only you saw what I can see

You'll understand why I want you so let's believe

Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe

You don't know oh oh

You don't know you're beautiful

Oh oh oh

That's what makes you beautiful

Na na na na na na naaaa na na

Na na na na na na

Na na na na na na naaaa na na

Na na na na na na

Baby you light up my world like nobody else

The way you do flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

Do any smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell(You don't know oh oh)

You don't know you're beautiful

Baby you light up my world like nobody else

The way you do flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

Do any smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell

You don't know oh oh

You don't know you're beautiful

If only you saw what I can see

You'll understand why I want you so let's believe

Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe

You don't know oh oh

You don't know you're beautiful

Oh oh oh

You don't know you're beautiful

Oh oh oh

That's what makes you beautiful

2. 丰田的广告歌曲有哪些

Kelly Clarkson - Stronger

3. 丰田广告歌曲英文


1.Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)

2. Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧)

3. The new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机)

4. We lead. Others copy. 我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)

5. Impossible made possible. 使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)

6. Take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)

7. The relentless pursuit of perfection. 不懈追求完美。 (凌志轿车)

8. Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. 动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)

9. Come to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country.光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。(万宝路香烟)

10.To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color. 对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。(轩尼诗酒)

11. Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋)

12. Ask for more. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)

13. The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)

14. Feel the new space. 感受新境界。(三星电子)

15. Intelligence everywhere. 智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机)

16. The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。(百事可乐)

17. We integrate, you communicate. 我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工)

18. Take TOSHIBA, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)

19. Let’s make things better. 让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子)

20. No business too small, no problem too big. 没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。 (IBM公司)

21.Share moments. Share life.分享此刻。分享生命。(柯达胶卷)

22、Passion zone.动感地带。

23、I am boss in my place.我的地盘听我的。

24、Do not walk on the normal way.不走寻常路。

4. 丰田的广告歌曲

丰田卡罗拉的广告曲叫In my life;原唱是The Beatles 翻唱是藤田惠美

5. 丰田广告歌曲 无损

  1、 应变自如 释放由心-----------丰田RAV4广告语

  2、 和谐为道-欲达则达------------丰田CROWN皇冠广告语

  3、 直面挑战 迈向成功------------丰田REIZ锐志广告语

6. 丰田的广告歌叫什么


7. 丰田广告歌曲英文男声



8. 丰田广告歌曲英文sor

近光灯灯泡一般是h7,或者是h4汽车大灯型号参考表 品牌 车型 近光灯 远光灯欧蓝德 H4 H4 帕杰罗 H4 H4 北京吉普 切诺基 H4 H4 大切诺基 9006 9005 猎豹机车 猎豹 H4 H4 嘉年华 H4 H4 长安福特 蒙迪欧 H7 H1 赛拉图 H4 H4 奇瑞SOR7160 H7 H1 风云 H7 H1或H7 奇瑞 东方之子 H7 H1 旗云 H1 H1 奇瑞QQ H4专用性 H4专用性 一汽马自达 马自达M6 H1 H1 捷达 H4 H4 新捷达王 H1 H1 一汽大众 宝来 H4 H4 高尔夫 H7 H1 威驰 H4 H4 一汽丰田 花冠 9006 9005 红旗 红旗 H4 H4 风行 风行汽车 H7 H1 奥迪A4 H7/H4 H7/H4 奥迪A6 H1 H7 奥迪A8 H1/D2S 9005 奥迪 奥迪90 H4 H1 奥迪100全系列 H4 H4 奥迪80/100美规系列 9004 9004 福美来 H4 H4 南海马自达 03款普力马 H4 H4 929 9006 9006 雅阁 9006 9005 广州本田 奥德赛 H1专用性 H1专用性飞度,思域 H4 H4 派力奥 H7 H1 亚菲特 西耶耶 H7 H1 派力奥周末风 H7 H1 富士 VIVIO、富士云雀 H4 H4 长城汽车 赛弗、赛影、哈弗 H4 H4 江铃 全顺,陆风03款 H4 H4 陆风04款 H7 H3 江淮 瑞风 H7 H1 哈飞 赛马 H4 H4 庆铃 竞技者 H4 H4 赛欧 H4 H4 凯越 H7 H1 凯越HRV H4 H4 上海别克 君威 H7 H1 王朝 H1 H1 新世纪 H1 H1 G18商务车 H4 H4 桑塔纳 H4 H4 桑塔纳3000 H7 H1 帕萨特 H7 H1 上海大众 帕萨特28V6 H1/D2S H7 波罗 H7 H1 GOL H4 H4 富康 H4 H4 富康988 H7 H1 神龙 毕加索 H4 H4 爱丽舍 H7 H1 赛纳 H7 H1 得利卡 H7 H1 东南 福利卡 H4 H4 菱帅 H4 H4 2000 H4 H4 夏利 威姿 H4 H4 雅酷 H4 H4 东风 CR-V H4 H4 标致307 H7 H1 东风日产 阳光 H1 H1 05阳光 H4 H4 雪弗兰 SPARK H4 H4 开拓者 H4 H4 北京现代 索纳塔、依兰特 H7 H1 索纳塔2.7 D2S 华泰现代 特拉卡TER RACAN H4 H4 悦达起亚 普莱特 H4 H4 千里马 H4 H4 郑州日产 帕拉丁 H4 H4 长安铃木 长安之星,奥拓 H4 H4

9. 丰田的广告歌是什么


在汽车广告语中,丰田的“车到山前必有路,有路必有丰田车”(1982年)自信,有气魄,其可谓汽车广告语中的绝版。提到丰田,这句广告语就如同“滴滴香浓、意犹未尽”麦氏咖啡的广告语,流行于中国改革开放初期进口商品的广而告之。“更远更自由”是丰田在2001年底上海国际车展上首次启用的新广告语。再后来,就有了"和谐为道,欲达则达","为您成就卓越" 等广告语。


